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EVI: Evidence Graph Ontology

Release 2023-05-15

Current version:
Previous version:
Sadnan Al Manir, University of Virginia, USA
Tim Clark, University of Virginia, USA
Maxwell Adam Levinson, University of Virginia, USA
Justin Niestroy, University of Virginia, USA
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Ontology Specification Draft


The Evidence Graph Ontology (EVI) extends core concepts from the W3C Provenance Ontology [PROV-O] to describe evidence for correctness of findings in biomedical publications. The semantic data model in EVI is expressed using OWL2 Web Ontology Language.

The OWL encoding of EVI is available here.

Introduction back to ToC

EVI is an extension to the W3C PROV ontology [PROV-O] which treats provenance of scientific results and claims as evidence in support of their correctnes. It is inspired by a large body of work in abstract argumentation frameworks [Baroni et al. (2010); Bench-Capon & Dunne (2007); Cayrol & Lagasquie-Schiex (2009); Clark et al. (2014); Dung (1995); Dung & Thang (2018)], showing that the evidence for correctness (and challenes to correctness) of any findings can be represented as a directed acyclic support graph, an Evidence Graph. When combined with with a graph of challenges to statements, or their evidence, this becomes a bimodal argument graph [Cayrol & Lagasquie-Schiex (2009a, 2009b)].

We have abstracted core elements of our micropublications model [Clark et al. (2014)] to create EVI, an ontology of evidence relationships that extends the W3C Provenance ontology, PROV [Gil et al. (2013); Moreau et al. (2013)], to support specific evidence types found in biomedical publications, reasoning across deep evidence graphs, and propagation of evidence challenges deep in the graph, such as: retractions, reagent contamination, errors detected in algorithms, etc., disputed validity of methods, challenges to validity of animal models, etc. [Al Manir & Clark, in preparation].

EVI is based on the fundamental idea that scientific findings or claims are not facts, but assertions backed by some level of evidence, i.e. they are defeasible components of argumentation. Therefore it focuses on the structure of evidence supporting and/or challenging the claim. Evidence in a scientific article is in essence, a record of the provenance of the finding.

Namespace declarations

Table 1: Namespaces used in the document
evi <>
prov <>
schema <>
owl <>
rdf <>
rdfs <>
xsd <>
terms <>

Overview back to ToC

This ontology has the following classes and properties.


Object Properties

Data Properties

Description back to ToC

Figure 1. shows the EVI semantic model built using the classes and object properties. The core PROV ontology concepts used in EVI are Entity, Activity, and Agent, with two sub-classes Person and Organization. The object properties in EVI are used to establish relations among instances, most of which are of type DigitalObject. Computations are activities performed on instances of other DigitalObjects, Software or Services.

Semantic Model of Evidence Graph ontology.

Figure 1. Classes and properties of EVI ontology.

Classes, Object Properties and Data Properties back to ToC

This section provides details for each class and property defined by EVI: Evidence Graph Ontology.


Articlec back to ToC or Class ToC


An Article is a (typically compound) textual document conveying a set of Claims and other DigitalObjects. Among these, an Article in EVI always conveys an assertion of its authorship in the form of a bibliographic self-reference.

                                @prefix rdf:     <> .
                                @prefix xsd:     <> .                                
                                @prefix dcterms: <> .
                                @prefix prov:    <> .
                                @prefix evi:     <> .
                                @prefix schema:  <> .
                                @prefix :        <> .

                                # Dr. Smith's latest preprint, submitted to “Preprint Rxiv”, is an Article, which was createdBy Mary Smith.
                                :preprint1 a prov:Article ;
                                          dcterms:title "A title of the article"^^xsd:string ;
                                          evi:createdBy :Mary_Smith .
                                :Mary_Smith a prov:Person .
has super-classes
DigitalObject c

Claimc back to ToC or Class ToC


A Claim is a declarative sentence or assertion. Claims are defeasible.

                                @prefix rdf:     <> .
                                @prefix xsd:     <> .                                                                
                                @prefix evi:     <> .
                                @prefix :        <> .

                                # The sentence "Age (from conception) was significantly correlated with birth weight" is a Claim.

                                :claim1 a evi:Claim ;
                                        evi:state "Age (from conception) was significantly correlated with birth weight"^^xsd:string .

                                # "Happy birthday!" is not a Claim.
has super-classes
DigitalObject c
is in domain of
state dp

Computationc back to ToC or Class ToC


Computation is an Activity performed on a Dataset with the help of a Software.

                                @prefix rdf:     <> .
                                @prefix xsd:     <> .                                                                
                                @prefix evi:     <> .
                                @prefix schema:  <> .
                                @prefix :        <> .
                                # In Dr. Smith's research, she performed a Computation to determine the correlation of birth weight 
                                # and post-menstrual age of one thousand preterm infants.
                                :computation1 a evi:Computation ;
                                              evi:usedDataset :dataset5 ;
                                              evi:usedSoftware :software1 ;
                                              schema:description "determines the correlation of birth weight and death"^^xsd:string .

                                :dataset5 schema:description "birth weight and death"^^xsd:string .
                                :software1 schema:description "computes correlation"^^xsd:string .
has super-classes
prov:Activity c
is in domain of
schema:endTime dp, schema:startTime dp, usedDataset op, usedService op, usedSoftware op

Containerc back to ToC or Class ToC


A container is a digital object that can be defined as packages of software. Instances of containers are accompanied by all necessary dependencies such as specific versions, runtime environment and required libraries for execution.
has super-classes
DigitalObject c
is in domain of
packages op

Datasetc back to ToC or Class ToC


A body of structured information describing some topic(s) of interest.

                                @prefix rdf:     <> .
                                @prefix xsd:     <> .                                                                
                                @prefix prov:    <> .
                                @prefix evi:     <> .
                                @prefix schema:  <> .
                                @prefix :        <> .
                                # Dr. Smith analyzed a Dataset consisting of the subject identifiers, post-menstrual ages, and birthrights
                                # of one thousand babies.

                                :analysis1 a prov:Activity ;
                                           evi:used :dataset7 ;
                                           evi:associatedWith :Mary_Smith .
                                :dataset7 a evi:Dataset ;
                                          a evi:Identifier ;
                                          schema:description "Subject identifiers, post-menstrual ages, and birth weights of one thousand babies"^^xsd:string .

                                # Dr. Smith's results included a computed dataset showing the correlation of age and birthweight for male and
                                # female preterm infants in five age ranges.
                                :analysis1 evi:generated :dataset8 .
                                :dataset8 a evi:Dataset ;
                                          schema:description "Correlation of age and birthweight for male and female preterm infants in five age ranges"^^xsd:string .
has super-classes
DigitalObject c
has sub-classes
Image c, Schema c
is in domain of
schema:dateCreated dp
is in range of
usedDataset op

DigitalContentc back to ToC or Class ToC


is in range of
contentUrl op

DigitalObjectc back to ToC or Class ToC


A DigitalObject is an Entity which represents another Entity. DigitalObjects are always attributedTo an Agent, their creator, contributor, influencer or to an Activity they were generatedBy.

                                @prefix rdf:     <> .
                                @prefix xsd:     <> .                                
                                @prefix dcterms: <> .
                                @prefix prov:    <> .
                                @prefix evi:     <> .
                                @prefix schema:  <> .
                                @prefix :        <> .
                               The Dataset of babies, birth weights, and ages used to support the conclusions of Dr. Smith's preprint Article, is a DigitalObject. So is
                               the Article itself, as well as the Figures showing, and Captions describing, the scatterplots and correlations, presented within the Article.
                               The scatterplot Image and the output correlation Dataset upon which it is based, are also DigitalObjects.
Because DigitalObjects always have Agents or Activities they were generatedBy, whether or not they make any textually recognizable Claims, they always have at least a minimal EvidenceGraph supporting them.

When the creating Activity is not documented, e.g. the Activity of "writing", or "drawing", or "photographing", the EvidenceGraph of the DigitalObject consists the creating Agent and its createdBy relationship to the DigitalObject. The quality of the evidence then depends solely upon the reputation of the authoring Agent, e.g. appointments and publication record.

When the creating Activity is clearly documented and reproducible, for example as a Computation, the EvidenceGraph includes the Agent associatedWith running that Computation, the parameter set or other characteristics of the Computation, the Software on which the Computation was based, and the Dataset input to the Computation.
has super-classes
prov:Entity c
has sub-classes
Article c, Claim c, Dataset c, Distribution c, EvidenceGraph c, Method c, Reference c, Software c, schema:Article c, schema:Claim c, schema:Dataset c, schema:SoftwareApplication c, schema:SoftwareSourceCode c
is in domain of
challenges op, contains op, createdBy op, directlyChallenges op, hasDistribution op, indirectlyChallenges op, represents op, supports op, terms:creator op
is in range of
challenges op, contains op, directlyChallenges op, indirectlyChallenges op, supports op

Distributionc back to ToC or Class ToC


The placement of instances of DigitalObjects. A single DigitalObject may be represented in multiple forms, hence resulting in multiple distributions. An Image can be encoded and distributed as any of the JPEG, PNG, SVG.
has super-classes
DigitalObject c
is in domain of
contentUrl op, dataSchema op
is in range of
hasDistribution op

EvidenceGraphc back to ToC or Class ToC


An EvidenceGraph is a directed acyclic graph Ev = (Rn, r+, r-) where Rn is a set of Representations of DigitalObjects, r+ ∈ RnXRn is a set of supports relations, r- ∈ RnXRn is a set of challenge relations, and R+∩R- = Φ. EvidenceGraphs are bipolar argumentation frameworks (Cayrol &amp; Lagasquie-Schiex, 2009) represented as RDF named graphs.

                               (1) A minimal EvidenceGraph for Dr. Smith's Article on baby birth weights is EG1 a EvidenceGraph {"Preprint rXiv 20200729.1" a Article
                               createdBy "Smith M" a Person} for "Preprint rXiv 20200729.1" a Article

                               (2) A more robust EvidenceGraph for the correlation result discussed in Dr. Smith's Article might be "Post-conception age was significantly
                               correlated with birth weight." a Claim derivedFrom Dataset2 generatedBy Computation1 using Dataset1, Software1.
EvidenceGraphs always have the relation evidenceFor to the Representation at their root. I.e. in Example (1) above, the EvidenceGraph EG1 is evidencefor "Preprint rXiv 20200729.1" a Article.
has super-classes
DigitalObject c

Imagec back to ToC or Class ToC


An Image is a visual representation of structured or unstructured data produced digitally.

                                @prefix rdf:     <> .
                                @prefix xsd:     <> .                                
                                @prefix prov:    <> .
                                @prefix evi:     <> .
                                @prefix schema:  <> .
                                @prefix :        <> .
                                #A scatterplot Image was produced from the Dataset of babies, birth weights, and ages.
                                :scatterplot1 a evi:Image ;
                                              evi:generatedBy :activity3 .
                                :activity3 prov:used :dataset9 ;
                                           schema:description "babies, birth weight, and ages"^^xsd:string .
                                :activity3 a prov:Activity .

                                # Or
                                :scatterplot1 evi:derivedFrom :dataset9 .
has super-classes
Dataset c

Methodc back to ToC or Class ToC


A descriptive recipe describing how a DigitalObject is made or obtained. It describes an Activity, and may refer to some DigitalObject as a component of the recipe.

                                @prefix rdf:     <> .
                                @prefix xsd:     <> .                                
                                @prefix dcterms: <> .
                                @prefix prov:    <> .
                                @prefix evi:     <> .
                                @prefix schema:  <> .
                                @prefix :        <> .
                                # "We used scipy.stats.pearsonr to compute the Pearson correlation coefficient" is a Method.
                                :method1 a evi:Method ;
                                         evi:describes :activity4 ;
                                         schema:description "scipy.stats.pearsonr"^^xsd:string .
                                :activity4 a prov:Activity ;
                                           schema:description "computes the Pearson correlation coefficient"^^xsd:string .
Note that the actual version of code for scipy.stats.pearsonr is a Material (Software) not a Method. Methods are descriptive, Materials are concrete objects (even if they are digital, they are concrete).
has super-classes
DigitalObject c
is in domain of
describes op

prov:Activityc back to ToC or Class ToC


An Activity is a process by which an Entity is produced, modified, consumed or used.

                                @prefix rdf:     <> .
                                @prefix xsd:     <> .                                
                                @prefix dcterms: <> .
                                @prefix prov:    <> .
                                @prefix evi:     <> .
                                @prefix schema:  <> .
                                @prefix :        <> .
                                # A Computation in which a Dataset of Electronic Health Records (EHR) is de-identified is an Activity.
                                :deidentification1 a prov:Activity ;
                                                   evi:used :dataset1 ;
                                                   evi:generated :dataset2 .
                                :dataset1 schema:description "EHR data"^^xsd:string .
                                :dataset2 schema:description "de-identified EHR data"^^xsd:string .

                                # Manual annotation of the de-identified Dataset with descriptive metadata is an Activity.
                                :annotation1 a prov:Activity ;
                                             evi:used :dataset2 ;
                                             evi:generated :dataset3 .
                                :dataset2 schema:description "de-identified EHR data"^^xsd:string .
                                :dataset3 schema:description "annotated de-identified EHR data"^^xsd:string .

                                # Selection of a patient cohort from the annotated, de-identified Dataset is an Activity.
                                :cohort_selection1 a prov:Activity ;
                                                   evi:used :dataset3 ;
                                                   evi:generated :dataset4 .
                                :dataset3 schema:description "annotated de-identified EHR data"^^xsd:string .
                                :dataset4 schema:description "cohort of annotated de-identified EHR data"^^xsd:string .

                                # Preparation of an Article on analytic findings from the above Dataset analysis is an Activity.
                                :articlepreparation1 a prov:Activity ;
                                                     schema:description "analytics on the cohort of annotated de-identified EHR data"^^xsd:string ;
                                                     evi:used :dataset4 .
                                :dataset4 schema:description "cohort of annotated de-identified EHR data"^^xsd:string .
has sub-classes
Computation c
is in domain of
associatedWith op, used op
is in range of
describes op, generatedBy op

prov:Agentc back to ToC or Class ToC


An Agent is an autonomous Entity. Persons and Organizations are Agents in EVI. Agents may be associatedWith Activities, and Entities may be attributedTo Agents.

                                @prefix rdf:     <> .
                                @prefix xsd:     <> .                                
                                @prefix dcterms: <> .
                                @prefix prov:    <> .
                                @prefix evi:     <> .
                                @prefix schema:  <> .
                                @prefix :        <> .
                                # Dr. Mary Smith is an Agent of type Person.
                                :Mary_Smith a prov:Person ; a prov:Agent .
                                # The University of Virginia is an Agent, of type Organization.
                                <> a prov:Organization , prov:Agent .
                                # The bioRxiv preprint archive is an Agent of type Organization.
                                <> a prov:Organization , prov:Agent .
                                # The service FAIRSCAPE_MDS, as a SoftwareAgent, is used to assign an Identifier to a Dataset.

                                :FAIRSCAPE_MDS a prov:SoftwareAgent , prov:Agent .
has super-classes
prov:Entity c
has sub-classes
prov:Organization c, prov:Person c, prov:SoftwareAgent c, schema:Organization c, schema:Person c
is in range of
associatedWith op, createdBy op, terms:creator op

prov:Bundlec back to ToC or Class ToC


A bundle is a named set of provenance descriptions, and is itself an Entity, so allowing provenance of provenance to be expressed.

prov:Entityc back to ToC or Class ToC


An Entity is a physical, digital, conceptual, or other kind of thing with some fixed aspects.

                                @prefix rdf:     <> .
                                @prefix xsd:     <> .                                
                                @prefix prov:    <> .
                                @prefix evi:     <> .
                                @prefix schema:  <> .
                                @prefix foaf:    <> .
                                @prefix :        <> .
                                # The University of Virginia Hospital Neonatal ICU is an Entity.

                                <> a prov:Entity ;
                                                                                       a evi:Identifier ;
                                                                                       foaf:name "University of Virginia Children's Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit"^^xsd:string .

                                # Subject 459 in Dr. Smith's study is an Entity.
                                :study1 evi:used :subject_459 .
                                :study1 a prov:Activity .
                                :subject_459 a prov:Entity .

                                # Dr. Smith's preprint is an Entity, as is Dr. Smith.
                                :preprint1 evi:createdBy :Mary_Smith .
                                :preprint1 a prov:Entity .
                                :Mary_Smith a prov:Person .
                                # Dr. Smith's medical record in the UVA Health System is an Entity.
                                :mrn1 a prov:Entity ;
                                      evi:derivedFrom :Mary_Smith ;
                                      evi:generatedBy :activity2 .
                                :activity2 a prov:Activity ;
                                           evi:associatedWith <> .
                                <> a prov:Organization .                                
has sub-classes
DigitalObject c, prov:Agent c
is in domain of
createdBy op, derivedFrom op, generatedBy op
is in range of
derivedFrom op, represents op, used op

prov:Organizationc back to ToC or Class ToC


An Organization is a social or legal institution with structure and purpose such as a company, society, university, sports team, etc.
has super-classes
prov:Agent c

prov:Personc back to ToC or Class ToC


A Person is a human Agent.

                                @prefix rdf:     <> .
                                @prefix prov:    <> .
                                # The University of Virginia Health System is an Organization.
                                <> a prov:Organization .

                                # The Association for Computing Machinery is an Organization.
                                <> a prov:Organization .

                                # The UVA Cavaliers basketball team, 2019 NCAA Champions, is an Organization.
                                <> a prov:Organization .
has super-classes
prov:Agent c

prov:SoftwareAgentc back to ToC or Class ToC


A Service is considered a SoftwareAgent that can be invoked and executed. A Software is different from SoftwareAgent in the context that it can be downloaded.
has super-classes
prov:Agent c
has sub-classes
Service c, schema:Service c

Referencec back to ToC or Class ToC


A Reference is a bibliographic record. References are DigitalObjects which represent and attribute archived digital or bibliographic objects, including Articles, Datasets, and Software.

                                @prefix rdf:     <> .
                                @prefix prov:    <> .
                                @prefix xsd:     <> .                                
                                @prefix dcterms: <> .
                                @prefix evi:     <> .
                                @prefix :        <> .
                                # "Smith M 2020. Post-conception age and birth weight. Preprint rXiv 20200729.1" is a Reference for Dr. Smith's Article.
                                :reference1 a evi:Reference ;                                            
                                            evi:represents :article1 .
                                :article1 a evi:Article ;
                                          dcterms:title "Post-conception age and birth weight"^^xsd:string .
has super-classes
DigitalObject c

Schemac back to ToC or Class ToC


A semi-structured interpretation of instances of DigitalObjects that can help comprehend the content.
has super-classes
Dataset c
is in range of
dataSchema op

schema:Articlec back to ToC or Class ToC


An article, such as a news article or piece of investigative report. Newspapers and magazines have articles of many different types and this is intended to cover them all.
is equivalent to
Article c
has super-classes
DigitalObject c

schema:Claimc back to ToC or Class ToC


A Claim in represents a specific, factually-oriented claim that could be the itemReviewed in a ClaimReview. The content of a claim can be summarized with the text property. Variations on well known claims can have their common identity indicated via sameAs links, and summarized with a name. Ideally, a Claim description includes enough contextual information to minimize the risk of ambiguity or inclarity. In practice, many claims are better understood in the context in which they appear or the interpretations provided by claim reviews. Beyond ClaimReview, the Claim type can be associated with related creative works - for example a ScholaryArticle or Question might be about some Claim. At this time, does not define any types of relationship between claims. This is a natural area for future exploration.
is equivalent to
Claim c
has super-classes
DigitalObject c

schema:Datasetc back to ToC or Class ToC


A body of structured information describing some topic(s) of interest.
is equivalent to
Dataset c
has super-classes
DigitalObject c

schema:Organizationc back to ToC or Class ToC


An organization such as a school, NGO, corporation, club, etc.
is equivalent to
prov:Organization c
has super-classes
prov:Agent c

schema:Personc back to ToC or Class ToC


A person (alive, dead, undead, or fictional).
is equivalent to
prov:Person c
has super-classes
prov:Agent c

schema:Servicec back to ToC or Class ToC


A service provided by an organization, e.g. delivery service, print services, etc
is equivalent to
Service c
has super-classes
prov:SoftwareAgent c

schema:SoftwareApplicationc back to ToC or Class ToC


A software application.
is equivalent to
Software c
has super-classes
DigitalObject c

schema:SoftwareSourceCodec back to ToC or Class ToC


Computer programming source code. Example: Full (compile ready) solutions, code snippet samples, scripts, templates.
is equivalent to
Software c
has super-classes
DigitalObject c

Servicec back to ToC or Class ToC


A Service is an Activity accessed online, which executes a Computation.

                                @prefix rdf:     <> .
                                @prefix evi:     <> .
                                # The Datacite DOI Registration Agency provides a Service online to generate globally unique Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs).
                                <> a evi:Service .

                                # The URL shortener is a Service.
                                <> a evi:Service .
has super-classes
prov:SoftwareAgent c
is in range of
usedService op

Softwarec back to ToC or Class ToC


Software is a specific set of computer-interpretable instructions to perform one or more Computations.

                                @prefix rdf:     <> .
                                @prefix evi:     <> .
                                # The python code for the function scipy.stats.pearsonr in SciPy v1.5.2 is a Software.
                                <> a evi:Software .
Software always has a specific version and an identifier which points to that retrievable version. Any software which is only conceptually identified, e.g. "scipy.stats.pearsonr" with no version number and no Identifier, is a Method, as it is only descriptive.
has super-classes
DigitalObject c
is in range of
packages op, usedSoftware op

Object Properties

associatedWithop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


A prov:Agent that has some responsibility for the occurrence of this prov:Activity is associatedWith the prov:Activity.

                                @prefix rdf:     <> .
                                @prefix xsd:     <> .                                
                                @prefix dcterms: <> .
                                @prefix prov:    <> .
                                @prefix evi:     <> .
                                @prefix schema:  <> .
                                @prefix :        <> .
                                # Dr. Mary Smith is associatedWith the Computation(s) which analyzed her Datasets.
                                :analysis1 a prov:Activity ;
                                           evi:associatedWith :Mary_Smith .
                                :Mary_Smith a prov:Person .
has super-properties
directlySupportedBy op
has domain
prov:Activity c
has range
prov:Agent c
is inverse of
associateFor op

associateForop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Reverse of associatedWith property.
has super-properties
directlySupports op
is inverse of
associatedWith op

challengedByop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Reverse of challenges property.
has sub-properties
directlyChallengedBy op, indirectlyChallengedBy op
is inverse of
challenges op

challengesop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


The challenges property is entailed by property chain rule when a DigitalObject A either directly challenges another DigitalObject B, or indirectlyChallenges B by challenging a DigitalObject which supports it.
has sub-properties
directlyChallenges op, indirectlyChallenges op
has domain
DigitalObject c
has range
DigitalObject c
is inverse of
challengedBy op

containedByop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Reverse of contains property.
is inverse of
contains op

containsop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Instances of DigitalObjects may contain instances of other DigitalObjects.

                                @prefix rdf:     <> .
                                @prefix xsd:     <> .                                
                                @prefix dcterms: <> .
                                @prefix prov:    <> .
                                @prefix evi:     <> .
                                @prefix schema:  <> .
                                @prefix :        <> .
                                # Dr. Smith's Article contains an Image showing a scatterplot.
                                :preprint1 a prov:Article ;
                                           evi:contains :scatterplot1 ;           
                                           evi:createdBy :Mary_Smith .
                                :Mary_Smith a prov:Person .
                                :scatterplot1 a evi:Image .

has characteristics: transitive

has domain
DigitalObject c
has range
DigitalObject c
is inverse of
containedBy op

contentUrlop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


The contentUrl property provides the access to the actual byes of the DigitalContent that can be downloaded and examined.
has domain
Distribution c
has range
DigitalContent c

createdop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Reverse of createdBy property.
has super-properties
directlySupports op
is inverse of
createdBy op

createdByop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


A prov:Agent is a creator of a prov:Entity if it is createdBy the Agent.

                                @prefix rdf:     <> .
                                @prefix xsd:     <> .                                
                                @prefix dcterms: <> .
                                @prefix prov:    <> .
                                @prefix evi:     <> .
                                @prefix schema:  <> .
                                @prefix :        <> .
                                # "Smith M 2020. Post-conception age and birth weight. Preprint rXiv 20200729.1" was createdBy Mary Smith.
                                :preprint1 a prov:Article ;
                                           dcterms:title "Smith M 2020. Post-conception age and birth weight. Preprint rXiv 20200729.1"^^xsd:string ;
                                           evi:createdBy :Mary_Smith .
                                :Mary_Smith a prov:Person .

                                # "Preprint rXiv 20200729.1" an Article was createdBy "Dr. Mary Smith" a Person and "Preprint rXiv" 
                                # an Organization (because Preprint rXiv is the publisher).
                                :preprint1 a prov:Article ;
                                           evi:contains :scatterplot1 ;
                                           evi:createdBy :Mary_Smith .
                                :Mary_Smith a prov:Person .
                                :scatterplot1 a evi:Image .
has super-properties
directlySupportedBy op
has domain
DigitalObject c
prov:Entity c
has range
prov:Agent c
is inverse of
created op

dataSchemaop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


The dataSchema property describes the content-level schema of a DigitalObject that may be distributed in one or more ways.
has domain
Distribution c
has range
Schema c

datasetUsedByop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Reverse of usedDataset property.
has super-properties
usedBy op
is inverse of
usedDataset op

derivedFromop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


A derivation is a transformation of a prov:Entity into another, an update of a prov:Entity resulting in a new one, or the construction of a new prov:Entity based on a pre-existing prov:Entity.

                                @prefix rdf:     <> .
                                @prefix xsd:     <> .                                
                                @prefix dcterms: <> .
                                @prefix prov:    <> .
                                @prefix evi:     <> .
                                @prefix schema:  <> .
                                @prefix :        <> .
                                # Mary Smith's Image of a scatterplot was derivedFrom her Dataset1.
                                :scatterplot evi:derivedFrom :dataset1 .
                                :scatterplot1 a evi:Image .
has super-properties
directlySupportedBy op
has domain
prov:Entity c
has range
prov:Entity c
is inverse of
derivedTo op

derivedToop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Reverse of derivedFrom property.
has super-properties
directlySupports op
is inverse of
derivedFrom op

describedByop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Reverse of describes property.
is inverse of
describes op

describesop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


The describes property is used when a Method, generally composed with a block of text, narrates a prov:Activity that takes place.

                                @prefix rdf:     <> .
                                @prefix xsd:     <> .                                
                                @prefix dcterms: <> .
                                @prefix prov:    <> .
                                @prefix evi:     <> .
                                @prefix schema:  <> .
                                @prefix :        <> .
                                # The Method "We used scipy.stats.pearsonr to compute the Pearson correlation coefficient" describes a prov:Activity.
                                :method1 a evi:Method ;
                                         schema:description "We used scipy.stats.pearsonr to compute the Pearson correlation coefficient"^^xsd:string ;
                                         evi:describes :computation1 ;
                                         evi:referTo <> .
                                :computation1 a prov:Activity .         
                                <> a evi:Software .
has domain
Method c
has range
prov:Activity c
is inverse of
describedBy op

directlyChallengedByop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Reverse of directlyChallenges property.
has super-properties
challengedBy op
is inverse of
directlyChallenges op

directlyChallengesop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


The directlyChallenges property establishes a relation between instances of DigitalObjects A and B when A asserts that B is wrong or deficient. It is non-transitive, entailing indirectlyChallenges properties on DigitalObjects supportedBy the DigitalObject it directlyChallenges, via a property chain rule.

                                @prefix rdf:     <> .
                                @prefix xsd:     <> .                                
                                @prefix dcterms: <> .
                                @prefix prov:    <> .
                                @prefix evi:     <> .
                                @prefix schema:  <> .
                                @prefix :        <> .
                                # Dr. Chad Jones has created a new "improved" version of scipy.stats.pearsonr, v1.5.2x, deprecating the older v1.5.2, which according to Dr.
                                # Jones, contained a bug. Dr. Jones published a note to this effect on his blog. We can link that blog post and the new version of pearsonr
                                # to the old version via a directlyChallenges property. This entails indirectlyChallenges properties on the path to the root in the
                                # EvidenceGraph of Dr. Smith's Article.

                                :article2 a evi:Article ;
                                          evi:createdBy :Chad_Jone ;
                                          evi:represents :software2 .
                                :software2 a evi:Software ;
                                           schema:version "1.5.2" .
                                <> a evi:Software ;
                                                                                                                 schema:version "1.5.1" .
                                :article2 evi:directlyChallenges <> .
                                :software2 evi:directlyChallenges <> .                                
A challenge whether direct or indirect, is an assertion, whose truth value is also based on some form of evidence. We do not say a DigitalObject is false, flawed or invalid, simply because it has been challenged.
has super-properties
challenges op
has domain
DigitalObject c
has range
DigitalObject c
is inverse of
directlyChallengedBy op

directlySupportedByop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


The use of directlySupportedBy property is intended to establish a direct relation between instances of DigitalObjects.
has super-properties
supportedBy op
has sub-properties
associatedWith op, createdBy op, derivedFrom op, generatedBy op, usedBy op
is inverse of
directlySupports op

directlySupportsop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


The directlySupports property is a non-transitive version of supports, a subproperty of supports. directlySupports is a superproperty of the properties attributed (inverse of attributedTo), derived (inverse of derivedFrom), associated (inverse of associatedWith), used, and generated (inverse of generatedBy).
has super-properties
supports op
has sub-properties
associateFor op, created op, derivedTo op, generated op, used op
is inverse of
directlySupportedBy op

distributedFromop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Reverse of hasDistribution property.
is inverse of
hasDistribution op

generatedop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Reverse of generatedBy property.
has super-properties
directlySupports op
is inverse of
generatedBy op

generatedByop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Generation is the completion of production of a new prov:Entity by a prov:Activity. This entity did not exist before generation and becomes available for usage after this generation.

                                @prefix rdf:     <> .
                                @prefix xsd:     <> .                                
                                @prefix dcterms: <> .
                                @prefix prov:    <> .
                                @prefix evi:     <> .
                                @prefix schema:  <> .
                                @prefix :        <> .
                                # Dataset1 a Dataset was generatedBy Computation1, a Computation in Mary Smith's baby study.
                                :dataset1 a evi:Dataset ;
                                          evi:generatedBy :computation1 .

                                :computation1 a evi:Computation .
has super-properties
directlySupportedBy op
has domain
prov:Entity c
has range
prov:Activity c
is inverse of
generated op

hasDistributionop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Used to represent different forms of a DigitalObject. An image may be distributed as a JPEG, PNG, or SVG.
has domain
DigitalObject c
has range
Distribution c
is inverse of
distributedFrom op

indirectlyChallengedByop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Reverse of indirectlyChallenges property.
has super-properties
challengedBy op
is inverse of
indirectlyChallenges op

indirectlyChallengesop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


The indirectlyChallenges property establishes a relation between instances of DigitalObjects when one indirectly challenges the other entailed by property chaining.
has super-properties
challenges op
has domain
DigitalObject c
has range
DigitalObject c
is inverse of
indirectlyChallengedBy op
has sub-property chains
directlyChallenges op o supports op

packagedByop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Reverse of packages property.
is inverse of
packages op

packagesop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Instances of software can be packaged by the instances of containers.
has domain
Container c
has range
Software c
is inverse of
packagedBy op

representedByop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Reverse of represents property.
is inverse of
represents op

representsop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


A DigitalObject represents an Entity or any of its features or feature sets.

                                @prefix rdf:     <> .
                                @prefix xsd:     <> .                                
                                @prefix dcterms: <> .
                                @prefix prov:    <> .
                                @prefix evi:     <> .
                                @prefix schema:  <> .
                                @prefix :        <> .
                                # The Reference "Smith M 2020. Post-conception age and birth weight. Preprint rXiv 20200729.1" represents the Article "Preprint rXiv
                                :reference1 evi:represents :preprint1 .

                                :preprint1 a prov:Article ;
                                           dcterms:title "Post-conception age and birth weight"^^xsd:string ;
                                           evi:createdBy :Mary_Smith .

                                :Mary_Smith a prov:Person .

                                :reference1 a evi:Reference ;
                                              dcterms:title "Smith M 2020. Post-conception age and birth weight. Preprint rXiv 20200729.1"^^xsd:string .

                                # The photo of Dr. Mary Smith in the Author Information section of her Article, represents the Person "Dr. Mary Smith".

                                :photo1 evi:represents :Mary_Smith .
                                :preprint1 evi:contains :photo1 ;
                                           evi:createdBy :Mary_Smith .

                                :photo1 a evi:Image .
                                :Mary_Smith a prov:Person .
has domain
DigitalObject c
has range
prov:Entity c
is inverse of
representedBy op

serviceUsedByop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Reverse of usedService property.
has super-properties
usedBy op
is inverse of
usedService op

softwareUsedByop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Reverse of usedSoftware property.
has super-properties
usedBy op
is inverse of
usedSoftware op

supportedByop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


The supportedBy property is a transitive relation between DigitalObjects.
has sub-properties
directlySupportedBy op
is inverse of
supports op

supportsop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


The supports property is a transitive relation between DigitalObjects entailed by its subproperty, directlySupports, which is non-transitive. In EvidenceGraphs, if A supports B, then the correctness (truth value) of A provides a warrant for belief in the correctness (truth value) of B.

                                @prefix rdf:     <> .
                                @prefix xsd:     <> .                                
                                @prefix dcterms: <> .
                                @prefix prov:    <> .
                                @prefix evi:     <> .
                                @prefix schema:  <> .
                                @prefix :        <> .
                                # The Person "Mary Smith" supports the Article "Preprint RXiv 20200729.1". To say this is to say that the 
                                # known character, credentials and reputation of the author is a support for the truth value of their Articles.
                                :preprint1 a prov:Article ;
                                           dcterms:title "A title ..."^^xsd:string ;
                                           evi:createdBy :Mary_Smith .
                                :Mary_Smith a prov:Person .
                                :Mary_Smith evi:supports :preprint1 .

                                # The Software scipy.stats.pearsonr in the SciPy v1.5.2 package supportsthe correlation statistic computed by Dr. Smith on her baby
                                weight and age Dataset,

                                <> evi:supports :computation1 .
                                :computation1 a evi:Computation ;
                                              evi:usedSoftware <> .
                                              evi:associatedWith :Mary_Smith .
                                <> a evi:Software .
                                :Mary_Smith a prov:Person .

                                # The computed correlation statistic supports the scatterplot Image, and

                                :computation1 evi:supports :scatterplot1 .
                                # the scatterplot Image supports the Article's conclusion.
                                :scatterplot1 evi:supports :claim1 .
Because supports is transitive, if A supports B and B supports C, then A supports C by entailment. Therefore by entailment from transitivity, the scipy.stats.pearsonr code supports the conclusion of the Article.

has characteristics: transitive

has sub-properties
directlySupports op
has domain
DigitalObject c
has range
DigitalObject c
is inverse of
supportedBy op

terms:creatorop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


An entity responsible for making the resource. Examples of a creator include a person, an organization, or a service i.e. a SoftwareAgent. Typically, the name of a creator should be used to indicate the entity.
has domain
DigitalObject c
has range
prov:Agent c

usedop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


An Activity used an Entity, when the Entity (such as a Dataset or a Software) was instrumental in enabling that Activity to occur.

                                @prefix rdf:     <> .
                                @prefix xsd:     <> .                                
                                @prefix dcterms: <> .
                                @prefix prov:    <> .
                                @prefix evi:     <> .
                                @prefix schema:  <> .
                                @prefix :        <> .
                                # The Computation on Dr. Smith's Dataset1 used the Software scipy.stats.pearsonr v1.5.2.
                                :computation1 a evi:Computation ;
                                              prov:used <> .
                                              evi:associatedWith :Mary_Smith .
                                <> a evi:Software .
                                :Mary_Smith a prov:Person .
has super-properties
directlySupports op
has sub-properties
usedDataset op, usedService op, usedSoftware op
has domain
prov:Activity c
has range
prov:Entity c
is inverse of
usedBy op

usedByop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


Reverse of used property.
has super-properties
directlySupportedBy op
has sub-properties
datasetUsedBy op, serviceUsedBy op, softwareUsedBy op
is inverse of
used op

usedDatasetop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


The property usedDataset is a subproperty of used where domain is Computation and range is Dataset.

                                @prefix rdf:     <> .
                                @prefix xsd:     <> .                                
                                @prefix dcterms: <> .
                                @prefix prov:    <> .
                                @prefix evi:     <> .
                                @prefix schema:  <> .
                                @prefix :        <> .
                                # Mary Smith's Computation1 to determine correlations usedDataset Dataset1, a record of preterm infant ages and birth weights.
                                :computation1 a evi:Computation ;
                                              evi:usedDataset :dataset1 ;
                                              evi:associatedWith :Mary_Smith .
                                :Mary_Smith a prov:Person .
                                :dataset1 a evi:Dataset ;
                                          schema:description "preterm infant ages and birth weights"^^xsd:string .
has super-properties
used op
has domain
Computation c
has range
Dataset c
is inverse of
datasetUsedBy op

usedServiceop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


The property usedService is a subproperty of used where domain is Computation and range is Service.

                                @prefix rdf:     <> .
                                @prefix xsd:     <> .                                
                                @prefix dcterms: <> .
                                @prefix prov:    <> .
                                @prefix evi:     <> .
                                @prefix schema:  <> .
                                @prefix :        <> .
                                # The Computation "AssignID" usedService FAIRSCAPE_MDS to assign an Identifier for Mary Smith's Dataset1.
                                :AssignID a evi:Computation ;
                                          evi:usedService :FAIRSCAPE_MDS ;
                                          evi:associatedWith :Mary_Smith .
                                :FAIRSCAPE_MDS a evi:Service ;
                                              schema:description "Assign an Identifier to a Dataset"^^xsd:string .
                                :Mary_Smith a prov:Person .
has super-properties
used op
has domain
Computation c
has range
Service c
is inverse of
serviceUsedBy op

usedSoftwareop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


The property usedSoftware is a subproperty of used where domain is Computation and range is Software.

                                @prefix rdf:     <> .
                                @prefix xsd:     <> .                                
                                @prefix dcterms: <> .
                                @prefix prov:    <> .
                                @prefix evi:     <> .
                                @prefix schema:  <> .
                                @prefix :        <> .
                                # Mary Smith's Computation1 usedSoftware "scipy.stats.pearsonr v1.5.2" a Software.
                                :computation1 a evi:Computation ;
                                              evi:usedSoftware <> .
                                              evi:associatedWith :Mary_Smith .
                                <> a evi:Software .
                                :Mary_Smith a prov:Person .
has super-properties
used op
has domain
Computation c
has range
Software c
is inverse of
softwareUsedBy op

Data Properties

additionalDocumentationdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Any additional information of the item that may be useful.
has domain
Computation c or Dataset c or Software c
has range
any u r i or string

associatedPublicationdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Refenrece to the publications where the item or its relevant information can be discovered.
has domain
Computation c or Dataset c or Software c
has range
any u r i or string

publicationVenuedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The (digital/physical) name where the item was published.
has domain
Dataset c or Software c
has range

schema:authordp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The author of the content.
has range

schema:contentSizedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


File size in (tera/giga/mega/kilo) bytes.
has domain
Dataset c or Software c
has range

schema:dateCreateddp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Date when the item was created.
has domain
Dataset c
has range
date time

schema:dateModifieddp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The date when the item was modifed last.
has domain
Dataset c or Software c
has range
date time

schema:datePublisheddp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Date when the item was first published.
has domain
Dataset c or Software c
has range
date time

schema:descriptiondp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


A description of the item.
has domain
thing c
has range

schema:encodingFormatdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The format of the item in question encoded into.
has domain
Dataset c or Software c
has range

schema:endTimedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The endTime of something. For a reserved event or service (e.g. FoodEstablishmentReservation), the time that it is expected to end. For actions that span a period of time, when the action was performed. e.g. John wrote a book from January to December. For media, including audio and video, it's the time offset of the end of a clip within a larger file. Note that Event uses startDate/endDate instead of startTime/endTime, even when describing dates with times. This situation may be clarified in future revisions.
has domain
Computation c
has range
date time

schema:fileFormatdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Media type, typically MIME format (see IANA site) of the content e.g. application/zip of a SoftwareApplication binary. In cases where a CreativeWork has several media type representations, 'encoding' can be used to indicate each MediaObject alongside particular fileFormat information. Unregistered or niche file formats can be indicated instead via the most appropriate URL, e.g. defining Web page or a Wikipedia entry.
has domain
Dataset c or Software c
has range

schema:identifierdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The identifier property represents any kind of identifier for any kind of Thing, such as ISBNs, GTIN codes, UUIDs etc. provides dedicated properties for representing many of these, either as textual strings or as URL (URI) links.
has range
any u r i

schema:keywordsdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Keywords or tags used to describe some item. Multiple textual entries in a keywords list are typically delimited by commas, or by repeating the property.
has domain
Computation c or Dataset c or Software c
has range

schema:licensedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


A license document that applies to this content, typically indicated by URL.
has domain
Dataset c or Software c
has range
any u r i or string

schema:namedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The name of the item.
has domain
thing c
has range

schema:runtimedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Runtime platform or script interpreter dependencies (example: Java v1, Python 2.3, .NET Framework 3.0).

schema:startTimedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The startTime of something. For a reserved event or service (e.g. FoodEstablishmentReservation), the time that it is expected to start. For actions that span a period of time, when the action was performed. e.g. John wrote a book from January to December. For media, including audio and video, it's the time offset of the start of a clip within a larger file. Note that Event uses startDate/endDate instead of startTime/endTime, even when describing dates with times. This situation may be clarified in future revisions.
has domain
Computation c
has range
date time

schema:titledp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The title of a Thing.
has range

schema:versiondp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The version of the DigitalObject.
has range

statedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Textual representation of a claim
has domain
Claim c
has range

Legend back to ToC

c: Classes
op: Object Properties
dp: Data Properties
ni: Named Individuals

References back to ToC

  • [PROV-O]: Timothy Lebo, Satya Sahoo, Deborah McGuinness (eds). PROV-O: The PROV Ontology. W3C Recommendation 30 April 2013. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). URL:
  • [Baroni et al. (2010)]: Baroni, P., Crutti, F., Giacomin, M., & Simari, G. R. Computational Models of Argument. In J. Breuker, N. Guarino, J. N. Kok, J. Liu, Lopez de Mántaras, R., R. Mizoguchi, M. Musen, S.K.Pal, & N. Zhong (Eds.), Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. IOS Press.
  • [Bench-Capon & Dunne (2007)]: Bench-Capon, T. J. M., & Dunne, P. E. Argumentation in artificial intelligence. Artificial Intelligence, 171(10–15), 619–641. DOI:
  • [Cayrol & Lagasquie-Schiex (2009a, 2009b)]: Cayrol, C., & Lagasquie-Schiex, M.-C. Bipolar Abstract Argumentation Systems. In I. Rahwan & G. R. Simari (Eds.), Argumentation in Artificial Intelligence. Springer.
  • [Clark et al. (2014)]: Clark, T., Ciccarese, P., & Goble, C. Micropublications: A semantic model for claims, evidence, arguments and annotations in biomedical communications. Journal of Biomedical Semantics, 5(1). URL:
  • [Dung (1995)]: Dung, P. M. On the acceptability of arguments and its fundamental role in nonmonotonic reasoning, logic programming and n-person games. Artificial Intelligence, 77(2), 321–357. DOI:
  • [Dung & Thang (2018)]: Dung, P. M., & Thang, P. M. Representing the semantics of abstract dialectical frameworks based on arguments and attacks. Argument & Computation, 9(3), 249–267. DOI:
  • [Gil et al. (2013)]: Gil, Y., Miles, S., Belhajjame, K., Deus, H., Garijo, D., Klyne, G., Missier, P., Soiland-Reyes, S., & Zednik, S. PROV Model Primer. W3C Working Group Note 30 April 2013. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). URL:
  • [Moreau et al. (2013)]: Moreau, L., Missier, P., Belhajjame, K., B’Far, R., Cheney, J., Coppens, S., Cresswell, S., Gil, Y., Groth, P., Klyne, G., Lebo, T., McCusker, J., Miles, S., Myers, J., Sahoo, S., & Curt Tilmes. PROV-DM: The PROV Data Model. W3C Recommendation 30 April 2013. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). URL:

Acknowledgements back to ToC

The authors would like to thank Silvio Peroni for developing LODE, a Live OWL Documentation Environment, which is used for representing the Cross Referencing Section of this document and Daniel Garijo for developing Widoco, the program used to create the template used in this documentation.